SIMPLE CHESS by Michael Stean

"Simple Chess: New Algebraic Edition" by Michael Stean, a young Grandmaster, offers an accessible introduction to chess strategy targeted at players who find game plans mystifying. By dissecting the fundamental elements of strategy and illustrating them through Master and Grandmaster games, Stean demystifies strategic concepts, making them easy to grasp for readers with only a basic knowledge of chess terminology.

The book goes beyond mere chess fundamentals, advocating for a style of play that emphasizes slowly accumulating small but permanent advantages rather than launching outright attacks early in the game. Stean's approach reflects an increasingly prevalent and successful strategy employed by players at all levels of expertise.

This new algebraic edition of "Simple Chess" ensures that readers can readily apply the strategic principles outlined in the book to their own games. By translating the content into current algebraic chess notation, Stean provides players with a powerful strategic tool that is accessible and applicable regardless of skill level.

Whether you're a beginner looking to demystify chess strategy or an experienced player seeking to refine your understanding, "Simple Chess" offers valuable insights and practical advice for improving your game. With its clear explanations and illustrative examples, this book serves as an indispensable resource for players aiming to develop their strategic acumen and achieve success on the chessboard.

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